This week we will be discussing ideas brought about by the French Mods (sometimes called The New Turks) and the French New Wave Film. Basically this was a form of editing and style that broke all the standard rules. In order to understand what was being broken, I have created a good reading/viewing list to help you along.
History of Editing in this context
(Please excuse some of the weird cis dude commentary- it’s still got a lot of good info)
Soviet Montage... where the breaking of continuity begins.
Breaking the Rules [of editing]
(Article) Where to Begin with Agnès Varda.
Not Recorded Yet. :)
Film of the Week:
If we were watching a film in class together, I would probably pull from the Wes Anderson canon. Why? Because students LOVE Wes Anderson. I mean, it's a bit precious and can be insufferable these days, but it's hard to argue that the mise-en-scene created by Anderson is absolutely magical. I try to pick a title less cringy than others... Usually Royal Tenenbaums or Grand Budapest Hotel.
That being said, if I'm recommending this for most of the folx looking at this class here, I HIGHLY recommend checking out the Divines by up and coming director Houda Benyamina. It's incredible and kind of like a modern, femme take on The Godfather (only a bit more gut-wrenching). You can find it on Netflix.
Films to Watch:
Cleo from 5 to 7
Lost in Translation
Chungking Express
400 Blows
Pulp Fiction
Carlito’s Way
